Camboon Primary School is an Independent Public School located in Noranda. We cater for approximately 380 students from Kindergarten to Year 6 with our learners coming from 32 different language backgrounds. Our positive and challenging teaching programs and ethos encourage all students to develop the knowledge, skills and values to become successful, confident, and creative individuals. Camboon Primary School has an outstanding reputation for having high expectations of students, in a caring and nurturing environment.
Camboon Primary School staff implement evidence-based strategies for teaching, including; literacy block (a two-hour, uninterrupted, structured time for English learning which includes the research-based guided reading strategy, and the Talk 4 Writing program); numeracy block (a consistent structure for teaching mathematics); and effective teaching strategies, based on Visible Learning research. We implement the Western Australian Curriculum and assess and report student achievement against the standards.
Teachers differentiate programs to suit the needs of all students, providing extra help and time where needed and extending others. Our students have the opportunity to participate in regional gifted and talented programs and students who need extra support in their literacy development are supported through specialist programs within the school. Such programs include MultiLit and MiniLit; research-based reading and phonics programs for identified students. We have a dedicated student services team comprising of associate principals, a school psychologist and chaplain, who provide a pastoral care program and assist in identifying support pathways for all students, including those with special educational needs.
We are proud of our reputation for offering a diverse range of subjects including music, visual arts, Italian and physical education, all taught by specialist teachers. We have an active school choir that participates in state-wide events and performs regularly in the local community. Our students have the opportunity to participate in team sports against other local schools and have access to a range of specialist sports programs throughout the year. Students also participate in high quality dance and drama lessons in alternating years. Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to participate in a number of after school activities such as chess, coding, tennis and various sports.
In 2019, the school has introduced 5 Learner Dispositions, aimed at instilling skills and strategies in students to become resilient, lifelong learners;
Independent: I get on with my learning.
Resilient: I can bounce back.
Organised: I’ve got what I need, I’m ready to go!
Self-aware: I know my learning strengths and challenges!
Engaged: I’m switched on and learning.